Alberto Zaffaroni

Dipartimento di Fisica, Universita' di Milano-Bicocca,
Piazza della Scienza, 3 20126 Milano
E-MAIL: Tel: +39-02-64482511

Lectures and notes

Introduction to the AdS/CFT Correspondence

based on advanced  courses at Ecole Polytechnique Federal de Lausanne, LACES 2009 (GGI Firenze), Parma INFN school 2010; PhD courses at Milano-Bicocca, Scuola Normale Pisa 
(use with care: preliminary version)

AdS black holes, holography and  localization

based on courses at CERN  (2017) and ICTP (2018) advanced schools (hep-th/1902.07176)

Other published lectures and reviews

A.Z., RTN lectures on the non AdS / non CFT correspondence. PoS RTN2005:005,2005
F. Bigazzi, A.L. Cotrone, M. Petrini, A. Z. Supergravity duals of supersymmetric four-dimensional gauge theories.  [hep-th/0303191]